domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009


martes, 6 de octubre de 2009


Do these tests about verbs. Test 1: Clic START to begin.


Do these tests:
  • Test 1: Choose the correct option. Clic START to begin.
  • Test 2: Choose the correct option. Clic START to begin.

jueves, 23 de abril de 2009

Unit 6 - 1st Conditional

Do these exercises:
  • Exercise 1: Complete with the first conditional.
  • Exercise 2: Complete with the verbs in the correct tense.
  • Exercise 3: Choose the best form of the verb.
  • Exercise 4: Read the sentences and match them to complete them.
  • Exercise 5: Complete with the verb in the correct verb form.
  • Exercise 6: Choose the right options.
  • Exercise 7: Put the words in order.
  • Exercise 8: Match the sentences.
  • Exercise 9: Rewrite the sentences in the first conditional. Remember to use Present Simple and Future Simple.
  • Exercise 10: Put the verbs in the correct form.
  • Exercise 11: Complete with the first conditional.
  • Exercise 12: Complete with the first conditional.
  • Exercise 13: Put the verbs in the correct form.

Trivia - History

Answer these questions:
  1. When did the Spanish Civil war start?
  2. Name three important authors from the Enlightment.
  3. Who was the King of France in 1789 when the French Revolution broke out?
  4. Who invented the Steam Locomotive?
  5. When did First World War end? What is the name of the treaty the different nations signed to end it?
  6. Who became a dictator in Germany in 1932?
  7. Who was the first president of the Spanish democracy?
  8. What does the word genocide mean? Define it using your own words.
  9. Who was the main leader of the French revolution?
  10. When did the Italian unification end?

Unit 7 - Compound words

Do these exercises:
  • Exercise 1: Match words from both columns to form compound words related to JOBS.
  • Exercise 2: Match words form both columns to form compound words related to the HOUSE.
  • Exercise 3: Match words to create compound words.

Unit 7 - 2nd Conditional

Do these exercises:
  • Exercise 1: Match the sentences.
  • Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct tense to form second conditional sentences. Remember (If + Simple past) <--> (Might / Could / Would/'d + VERB)
  • Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct tense to form second conditional sentences.
  • Exercise 4: Read the sentences and complete them by choosing the most logical option..
  • Exercise 5: Complete the sentences with the correct verb form.
  • Exercise 6: Read the questions and choose the most suitable answer.
  • Exercise 7: Read the sentences and choose the best option.
  • Exercise 8: Choose the best options.
  • Exercise 9: Complete the sentences with the second conditional.
  • Exercise 10: Complete the sentences with the second conditional.
  • Exercise 11: Read the sentences and choose the best way to end the sentence from the column on the right.
  • Exercise 12: Read the sentence and choose the best option.
  • Exercise 13: Put the sentences in order.

jueves, 29 de enero de 2009

Reading Tasks - Term 2

Read these texts and do the exercises:

Reading Tasks - Term 1

1) Read about these cities, then close the window and answer the questions the teacher will ask you without looking at the text. 2) Read these texts and do the activities.
  • Texto A: El chico que fue a pescar. Lee este texto y completa los huecos.
  • Texto B: El castillo de la colina. Lee este texto y completa los huecos.
  • Texto C: Vinieron del espacio exterior. Lee este texto y completa los huecos.

sábado, 24 de enero de 2009

Unit 4 - May / Might

Do these exercises:

  • Exercise 1: Completa las frases con el verbo que mejor se ajuste a la frase. Observa que May o Might ya están en la frase.
  • Exercise 2: Lee la información dad sobre might. A continuación hasz los dos ejercicios propuestos más abajo. Primero cambia las frases en futuro para que indiquen una probabilidad menor. Después busca los errores en las oraciones siguientes.

viernes, 23 de enero de 2009

Unit 4 - Future with Going to Vs. Will

Do these exercises:
  • Exercise 1: Selecciona la opción adecuada. Recuerda en qué contexto se utiliza Will y en cuál se utiliza Going to. Repásalo aquí.
  • Exercise 2: Elije la opción correcta.
  • Exercise 3: Completa las frases.
  • Exercise 4: Selecciona la opción correcta.
  • Exercise 5: Reescribe las oraciones en futuro simple. Ojo con las mayúsculas y la puntuación.
  • Exercise 6: Selecciona la opción adecuada.
  • Exercise 7: Completa las frases de modo que tengan sentido.
  • Exercise 8: Completa con Will o Going to.

Unit 4 - Future with Going to/Present Continuous

Do these exercises:
  • Exercise 1: Completa las frases.
  • Exercise 2: Elije la mejor opción. Usa el diccionario.
  • Exercise 3: Compelta las frases y preguntas. Ojo con el orden de la interrogación.
  • Exercise 4: Cambia estas frases de Futuro simple a futuro con Going to.
  • Exercise 5: Crea preguntas utilizando la información entre paréntesis. Recuerda que las partículas interrogativas WH- se colocan al principio de cada oración.
  • Exercise 6: Elije la oración cuyo significado se parezca más al de la oración propuesta. Usa un diccionario.
  • Exercise 7: Arrastra las formas de presente contínuo a los huecos apropiados.
  • Exercise 8: Contesta a las preguntas siguiendo el ejemplo y utilizando la información proporcionada.

jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

Unit 4 - Sports, Games and Hobbies Vocabulary

Do these exercises. Use a dictionary if needed.
  • Exercise 1: Estudia este vocabulario. Lo necesitarás para los ejercicos 2, 3 y 4.
  • Exercise 2: Escribe el nombre de cada deporte.
  • Exercise 3: Escribe el nombre de cada deporte.
  • Exercise 4: Escribe el nombre de cada deporte.
  • Exercise 5: ¿A qué deporte corresponde cada silueta?
  • Exercise 6: ¿A qué deporte corresponde cada silueta?